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A Comprehensive Guide to New Product Development

Products like light bulbs, batteries and 3D printers started as mere ideas. However, after an extensive product development process, these concepts turned into reality — and revolutionized the way we live.

Our guide will explore the stages of a new product, helping you understand the time and effort the process entails. We’ll also highlight some strategies to streamline the procedure of transforming creative ideas into market offerings.

What Is New Product Development?

New product development (NPD) is a process centered on introducing a product or service to the market. It includes several stages, from idea generation to commercialization and post-launch evaluation. As each step involves various skills, it’s essential that different teams collaborate to achieve the finished result. 

Following a strategy for product development helps maximize resources and shorten the time until the product launch. In addition, this process helps businesses remain competitive and meet changing customer needs. 

What Is New Product Development?

Idea Generation

A brilliant product idea can drive your company’s growth. However, in a world where you have access to electric cars, ancestry DNA kits and AI-powered software, it may seem challenging to think of something truly innovative. Some common strategies that fuel idea generation include: 

  • In-house brainstorming sessions: Hosting team discussions gives employees a platform to suggest ways to expand on the current products and services. Businesses that value diversity will benefit from more unique perspectives.
  • Customer surveys: If you have an existing customer base, you can distribute surveys to understand what type of products they want. In addition, they can provide feedback on your current offerings, allowing you to make necessary improvements. 
  • Market trends: Accurately forecasting market trends helps your business meet evolving client needs. For example, there has been a growing interest in eco-friendly brands, indicating the need to implement more sustainable practices in your offerings. 

When considering ideas, it’s essential to weigh up the resources needed to execute them. Understanding your capital, personnel and time restraints will help you eliminate unprofitable ideas from the onset. 

Concept Development

Once you feel positive about a product idea, you can begin fleshing out the concept. An example of a product concept is a smart water bottle. Your business would have to build the concept by highlighting its features, benefits and target market, establishing how it would meet customer needs. As this task can be fairly complex, we’ve broken it down into smaller steps: 

  • Define your product: By outlining the product features, you better understand how your merchandise will benefit your ideal customers. These specifications will also help guide the design. 
  • Establish your target market: Pinpoint your ideal customer by narrowing down their location, economic situation and the amount they are likely to pay for the product or service. Having a good sense of your target market will prime your sales strategy for success. 
  • Evaluate the competition: Consider how many other companies currently offer the products or services you intend to sell and how you can fill the gaps in their offerings. Review their social media engagement and customer reviews to gain a comprehensive idea of what customers value. 
  • Determine success metrics: Before you take your product development further, outline how you will assess its success. For example, you might calculate how many orders you receive or how satisfied your customers are with the service. 

When you prioritize the concept development stage, you improve your chances of generating a lucrative return on investment (ROI). Efficient concept development also streamlines communication within the team, resulting in greater productivity.  

Prototyping and Testing

The next step in the product development process involves creating a prototype. Using a rapid prototyping service enables your engineers, product designers and sales teams to interact with a mock-up of your intended product. While this service comes with a higher upfront cost, it offers several benefits, including: 

  • Functionality testing: Your team will have the opportunity to use the product, enabling them to identify any malfunctions. Uncovering discrepancies early on helps you avoid costly errors during mass production. 
  • User involvement: By engaging with the product, different departments can offer their feedback. This enhances the overall communication within the team, resulting in greater product success. 
  • Establishing a competitive edge: New products are entering the market daily, so it’s important to shorten the time from concept to launch. Rapid prototyping has a fast turnaround time, ensuring you can move on to the next developmental stage. 

Outsourcing your prototyping to a company that offers this service and has the capabilities to handle your manufacturing needs is a further time-saver. Since the teams will have the option to collaborate, you can have greater peace of mind in the finished result. 

Technical Development

After you’ve rectified any product errors in the prototyping stage, you can move forward with manufacturing. Depending on your industry and the product you plan to launch, you will likely use one of these methods: 

  • Metal stamping: Automotive and aerospace businesses commonly use this process to manufacture parts for vehicles or space crafts. It requires a stamping press to form metal sheets into the desired product. 
  • Insert molding: This process involves inserting a metal part into a mold and surrounding it with a liquid plastic. The medical and electronics sectors have preference for these reinforced components. 
  • Automation and assembly: Businesses that plan to produce items on a mass scale will benefit from the automation and assembly method. It contains a line of automated machines that perform one task before the product moves on to the next stage. 

When choosing a manufacturing method, consider the costs and time involved. Finding a process that serves your vision will allow you to scale your business in the future. 

Market Launch Preparation

Equally important to designing a sound product is establishing an effective sales strategy. Of course, the nature of your sales plan will depend on your market. For example, a medical company may rely primarily on representatives to market its new products. Whereas, an automotive business could promote its new vehicles with billboards or advertisements. One channel that works across industries is online product promotion. With approximately 5.5 billion global internet users, this is a popular and cost-effective medium. 

After launching your product, it’s worthwhile evaluating the initial customer reaction to your offerings. Refer to your success criteria and solicit feedback to determine any further improvements to make.

Let Us Help You Make Your Product Ideas a Reality

Throughout history, the world has seen some groundbreaking innovations — and your idea could be next. Use these steps outlined in our guide to help you navigate the journey from concept to completion. 

New Concept Technology is a full-service business, enabling you to handle your prototyping and concept manufacturing under one roof. With expertise across multiple industries, we take on projects of all types. Contact our team today and get a free engineering evaluation — we look forward to assisting you with turning ideas into reality!

Let Us Help You Make Your Product Ideas a Reality